Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mom Gone Wild...Really?

Ok, so maybe this is a silly name for a blog.  I am a mom but I certainly have not gone wild and really do not intend to do so.  I kind of stole the name from my friend.  Some friends and I are running our first 8K in April and our team name is Moms Gone Wild.  So, thanks Renee for the idea. 

Anyway, my whole plan is to try to find some "me" time and try to find a way to do this without the guilt. Kind of like a man.  They make time for themselves, way more than I even want to make for myself, and that's that.  No guilt.  No second thoughts.  No over planning. 

I need to do this.  I need to go to the gym. I need to spend more time with "The Girls."  I need to spend time just doing something away from my home.  I met a friend for breakfast this weekend and woke up early just to make my family breakfast first and get the kids dressed and ready for the day because I felt so guilty about taking that hour and a half away for myself.  Why is that?  Why do I feel guilty for taking time for myself?  I know this is not just me.

So, I plan to find a way to make time, to get a hobby, to do ANYTHING on my own and NOT have the guilt.  Are you with me?  Ideas are suggested and encouraged.

Stay tuned...

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